Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Quick Update

Nolan has kept us pretty busy since being in the hospital. We have had several doctor appointments and therapy visits. We have really seen big improvements in Nolan’s muscle coordination and stability, although we still have a long way to go.
            Currently Nolan has a skills therapist and an occupational therapist that come to the house once a week, and next week he will start seeing a physical therapist in Fort Worth which we will be going to every Monday.
            We have added a pediatric eye specialist to our team of doctors. Nolan is pretty near sighted, which isn’t a big deal right now because Nolan’s world is small and close. However, he will need glasses by the age of two. The good news is that as of now the doctor does not see any eye/vision problems that cannot be corrected, which was a concern for us.
            We had an appointment today to see one of the top CDG doctors in the world, Dr. Morava based out of Tulane, but because of our nice winter storm our flight was canceled and we are having to reschedule. We are extremely excited about getting to meet Dr. Morava, and are anxiously waiting for our next appointment on Januray 7. The main goal of this appointment is to gain information and become connected with the top researchers in the world.
            Nolan has also added another Endocrine doctor, one who specializes in Hyperinsulinism. Since being in the hospital Nolan has struggled with maintaining his blood sugar. He has to eat every 3 hours, around the clock, meaning we have to wake him up at night to eat. It can get pretty exhausting.
            Tomorrow we will check into Cook Children’s hospital where Nolan will undergo a fasting study. Basically, tomorrow night Nolan will start fasting and we will check his blood sugar every hour. When his blood sugar drops below 50, he will have several labs drawn and the fasting study will be over. These lab results will give us some insight on why he is unable to maintain his blood sugars and hopefully will show us how we can treat it. We were told we would only be in the hospital for a couple of nights, but that just depends on how Nolan does with the study. We ask for your prayers for Nolan, his doctors, and nurses , and our sanity during our stay.
            We appreciate all of the thoughts, prayers, donations and kind words we have received. We cannot thank you enough. Nolan is growing and is such a happy boy, have you seen those chunky cheeks of his??? We are beyond blessed to have the support system that we do. I hope you continue to follow the life of our sweet boy. I plan to update you as often as I can. 
I leave you with a few pictures of our life these past few months.

baptism, baby dedication, First United Methodist Church Gordon
Nolan got baptized and we were blessed to be surrounded by friends and family.

Baby Boy, bathtime, sweet cousins
The top right photo is at a doctors appointment, Nolan almost always has an entourage when going to the doctor.

football games, gordon, longhorns

Monday, December 9, 2013

Things get a bit hairy

Newborn boy, cdg, congenital disorder of glycosylation, type 1a
Here are a few pictures from Nolans first 2 1/2 months, before we ended up back in the hospital
Other than waiting 12+ hours longer than we had expected for him to make his arrival, we had a pretty uneventful stay in the hospital and were discharged the very next day. Of course, I am leaving out the fact that days 2-4 of his life were filled with almost constant crying on his end until my milk miraculously came in somewhere between day 4 and 5 giving us a few moments of peace and quiet.

Really though, we were on cloud 9. We were spending our days cuddling with the most perfect beautiful baby ever, and he just happened to be ours; and other than some slow weight gain in the beginning, which is pretty common among breastfeeding infants, we had no reason to fear ending up back in the hospital.

Nolan started spitting up an excessive amount right before his 2 months checkup. While I understand “all babies spit up” I knew this wasn’t normal. Picture exorcism style spit up, spraying (and soaking) the chair, yourself, the crib, whatever happened to be in his path. I'm talking soaked, head to toe, and having to completely change clothes, undergarments included. We ended up getting some reflux medicine from Nolan's pediatrician, with hopes that this would be the answer to our problems.

On the morning of September 5, I woke up around 5am and saw that Nolan had slept through the night. After freaking out and confirming that he was, in fact, still breathing; I started to smile, we really do have a perfect baby. I crawl out of bed, planning on feeding Nolan and trying to get a couple more hours of sleep before we start our day.

This is when I realize something isn’t quite right. When changing Nolan’s diaper I notice that it is dry, as in he had not gone to the bathroom ALL NIGHT LONG. Maybe our perfect baby is already potty trained? I also noticed there was some sediment in his diaper. The closest thing I can describe it as is little grains of sand. In my nursing opinion, I assume it is uric acid crystals, also known as “brick dust”, feel free to Google it.

At this point, I am worried, not out of my mind worried, because I always assume nothing is actually wrong, but still worried. Nolan struggles with nursing, he just wasn’t really interested, keep in mind he just went 8 hours without eating and should be ravenously hungry.

The next couple of hours are pretty uneventful. Joe wakes up, we decide it’s no big deal and I will call the doctor when they open. Joe leaves for practice, and I just cant shake this feeling that something is wrong. I decide to get ready and head to Fort Worth so I will be there when the doctor’s office opens, stopping by practice on our way to assure Joe everything is okay.

 After several phone calls to Joe, my parents, the nurse at the doctors office (which only resulted in me becoming extremely angry at her for asking if my 2 month old son had played outside and could have put sand in his diaper, and advised me to watch him for the day and call back the next day), Nolan and I headed straight to Cook Children’s Hospital.

Nolan’s lab work was completely out of whack when we got to the hospital. His blood sugar was 48 (normal is 60-100), white blood cells were 4x what is normal (which is huge for anyone, especially an infant), liver enzymes were extremely high, clotting factors were off, ammonia was high. We were pretty lucky that we ignored the nurse’s advice and decided to go straight to the hospital.

I wont go into too much detail about our hospital stay, but here is the just of it. We had several pediatric specialists looking after our little boy, including a hospitalist (Nolan’s general doctor), an infectious disease doctor, gastroenterologist (GI), endocrinologist, and a metabolic geneticist. Since being in the hospital we have had follow up appointments with the last three, and have also seen an eye doctor.

Let me start by saying, Cook Children’s truly does have the best doctors you can ask for, we were thoroughly impressed with the level of care Nolan received and with the amount of time each doctor spent with us each morning explaining the plan for the day. We knew each and every day that our team of doctors were working on finding an answer and getting Nolan well enough to go home.

Throughout the whole stay we were continuously told that Nolan was quite the “puzzle”.  The doctors were really working as a team, we had several doctors in each area all working together trying to figure out what was going on. Nolan fit the description of several different illnesses, but for each one he was missing a key element ruling it out. Each doctor had their own theory and one by one Nolan would prove them wrong, all except for our metabolic geneticist, Dr. B.

Dr. B presented us with a disorder called Congenital Disorder of Glycosylation Type 1B, an extremely rare but totally treatable disorder. No parents want their child to be diagnosed with a genetic disorder, but if it had to happen this seemed harmless enough. In telling us about CDG 1B, Dr B briefly discussed another type of CDG, CDG 1A. CDG 1A was a much scarier option, but based on Nolan’s clinical presentation Dr. B was fairly certain this was not what Nolan had.

So, on September 14, after 10 emotionally and physically draining days in the hospital, we were finally sent home. Dr. B had her test sent off and we were expecting the results in the next couple of weeks.

            Dr B called us with lab results on September 18, Nolan has CDG Type 1A, a much scarier form of CDG. We were devastated, how do you process information like this? Our perfect and beautiful baby boy had inherited a genetic disorder that will effect his physical and neurological development as well as every organ in his body. Not to mention 20% of infants diagnosed with CDG 1A don’t make it to their 1st birthday.

            It didn’t seem real, and sometimes it still doesn’t. We are still convinced we have the most precious perfect baby boy ever; however there is a grieving process we have to go through. Though we aren’t grieving the loss of our baby, we are grieving the loss of the life we thought we would have, the life we thought Nolan would have. Gone are most of the dreams we as parents have for our children. Even the smallest things like playing on a tee ball team to riding a back seem unrealistic. Now we are more concerned with his blood sugar levels, and achieving basic milestones such as being able to sit up, walk, and even speak.

 I will post a CDG mini lesson soon for those of you who have never heard of it. Until then, one of our sweet friends wrote a blog post about Nolan and CDG and you can find it here.
I wont lie, I am a little hesitant to tell you to go read her blog, after you read her blog my lack of writing skills will be even more obvious. Really though, if you are looking for a new blog to follow I strongly recommend her, I find my self lol'ing every time I read.
Here are a few pictures from the hospital. I hesitated to put the top right one in because he looks so bad, but I thought it showed how bad he was looking, these chunky cheeks of his are all due to swelling, as you can see in the bottom picture he was a skinny little boy. On our way home we had to stop and eat some BBQ with Papa.
Baby in Glasses, Cook Children's Hospital, Baby Mullet
We did have some fun while in the hospital, all of these were toward the end of our stay when Nolan was starting to feel better. Of course I had to throw one in of his sweet baby mullet.

Monday, November 25, 2013

The Birth of Baby NoKo- From Dad's Point of View

Here I am at 40 weeks pregnant, not a very good angle, I promise my belly was much bigger than that. My last meal, and Joe and I after getting checked in at the hospital.
5:10            Wake up, Andrea showers, I pack car
5:45            Leaving Gordon, on our way to hospital
6:45            Arrive at hospital
7:00            Check in, and it is a long process
8:00            The drugs start, to help get this little baby out                      
                   Dawn and Mary have been the nurses thus far and they are really good. 
                   This room is really cold
9:13            BC called, very nice of him. He had great advice, "when those 
                   contractions start, get in the corner and shut up"
9:55            Dr Robbins made her first appearance. She came in and broke the water,
                   said everything is going fine and looking good
10:18          Our first visitors, Jim and Maegan... No surprise
10:50          Pa and NiNi
11:18          Dr. Dan, we don’t know where Lovey is
11:20          Lovey is here
We had quite the support system gathered in the waiting room

11:55        Sug decides it is time for an epidural, 3-4 and 90%
12:28        Nurse anesthetist is in the house, getting an epidural. Dawn is really good
     and is the nurse in the picture, they say it wont hurt
     Andrea says otherwise
12:47        The shot has taken place, a really odd feeling. BC said I can now go
     back to doing my normal annoying things like breathing too loud
     and blinking too fast. It should be coming up fairly soon now. I do need to
     eat though or I will probably pass out. Jim is bringing chipotle. The
     nurses joke about the epidural being a free back wax, it is a huge band aid.
1:18          Chipotle
1:20          That didn't take long. Andrea is more happy now than the rest of the day,
     mostly because of the catheter. Getting up to go to the bathroom is 
     quite the chore.
2:00          It is the 2:00 check to tell progress. Still a 4, progress is good but it
     doesn't seem like birth is around the corner
2:25          Things are good still...seems to be slow
2:30          Attempt to take a nap.
2:40          Nurse walks into wrong room and wakes us up, naptime over
4:00          Next check up, she is a good four now and they say that the slow part is 
                 about over. Who knows what that means.
5:00          Check up, nothing new. Patience.
Apparently there was a big commotion in the lobby with a family and with a son/grandson? Saying loud obscenities at the grandmother, everyone is talking about it.

7:33         Andrea is now on all fours trying to get this little guy out of here
8:30         Andrea has spent the last hour on all fours, anxious to see what the
                progress is after this. She is a real trooper. After all of that she is 
    talking nails with her mother, wow...
8:43         She is a 5, slow process but everyone is healthy,
it isn't happening 
    quickly but Dr R said it is good and she will be in later, 
   "Everybody go take a nap"
9:10         I scarf down two tacos.
9:25         Family heads home, should be a while till baby time, we are going 
   to try to take a nap, it is freezing in here so we will see how that goes. 
9:35        Epidural is beeping loudly....so much for sleep, they change the bag and
                we are back in action
11:07      Andrea isn't feeling well, things haven’t been great since about 730, thinks
               contractions are farther apart, getting discouraged at this point
11:09      Dr Robbins comes in and plays the role of superwoman, says everything is
   fine. Andrea is now at an 8 and feels like she will be pushing in the next
   couple of hours. She was just at the time you needed her the most. We call 
   and update family, they head back up here. 

Andrea "I guess the 26th is a good day to have a baby."

11:50       Still can't sleep, photographer is on the way. 
                It is probably 60 degrees in here, ice cold.
Andrea  "I guess it is chilly in here but I can't tell."


12:09       Nurse report, Good and ready.
12:54       Ma and Pops and Mae Mae are back, Dr Dan is sleeping on a pizza box...
    Wakes up very confused.
1:17         Checked, she is at a 9 and plus 1 in. Should be anytime now. Nurse put her
    back in all fours position, not sure why. It is getting close.
1:47        Still in all fours, Dr Debbie is keeping a wet towel on her back, she isn't
   feeling well.  I expect Dr R here within an hour.
2:02        Andrea - "I really just want him out and I don't want to push."
2:13        Out of all fours, nurse says to rest. Wet towel on head.
2:25       "I was really fine till about 7 pm."
2:58       The five thousandth reference to pops shining his shoes. It is really cool,
               lost art.
3:02        Are you ready?
3:20       Andrea gets something for her stomach and going to add pain medication, 
  she is not feeling well at all
3:48       Nurse says we just have to wait for that left side to clear.
4:12        Check up, will push soon. Just seems like he isn't ready just yet. 
   I feel bad because the others came back on no sleep. They could have
   easily waited till morning. Next time we will wait to tell everyone when 
  to come. Andrea is still in pain but I believe that she is getting at ease 
  a little. The push coming soon, will hopefully break out. Did I mention 
  it is freezing in here?
4:37       We are going to have this thing
4:56       Still pushing, doing great... Pushing.
              Tough process.
5:01       These pushes seem to be going somewhere. He has hair she says.
5:03       She says that he is almost here, asks if I want to see the next one...
5:10       Getting closer, by this point I don't know what close is.
5:18        Nurse – “most I've seen of him so far” Hard to make progress they say.
5:26        Still no Robbins, but it is going well
5:30        Nurse "we are going to be calling the troops in soon"
Andrea "I hope so."
It is a different face from Andrea, this just shows how difficult it is. She is tough and this is taking a lot out of her.

5:40        Seems to actually be getting a little more real now. We will see if Nolan
   actually comes.
5:43        Nurse, so close... Wish I could help.
5:45        Pressure is constant, he is really low.
5:50        Dr R is about to be in the house.
6:00        No Dr yet, and baby not quite here. Seems to be very close but what do I
   know really.
6:03        Dr. R in the house, we adjusting and it coming.
6:08        This one will be it she says
6:10        It is a boy!!!! Temp 97.1, looks real long, scary, he isn’t crying, 
   sounds snorty, cone head because of time, nose like Andrea
6:40        Nolan's first poo poo on mom
7:12       First family photo
7:20       Intro to the family.


Nolan Val Kostiha born on June 26, 2013 at 6:10am, 7lbs 3oz, 21 ½ inches long